πŸ€–Liquidity Math


The solution in v3 is to allow users to add liquidity only within a certain price range.

Note that the virtual x tokens and y tokens are for consistency purposes only and do not participate in real transactions, so their numbers are constant.

When the price of the liquidity pool reaches the 0 threshold set by the user 
(e.g. point a or point b in the diagram), the actual x token or y token provided by the user will be zero and x or y will consist entirely of virtual tokens.

In order to keep the virtual token constant, when the price moves further outside the price range set by the user, the liquidity pool removes this liquidity to ensure that the number of virtual x tokens or y tokens does not decrease, so that this virtual token only participates in the calculation of the price when the price is within the set range, and does not actually participate in the provision of liquidity (i.e. The number of virtual tokens is constant and does not change in volume).

Trading process

In the v3 version, because there will be several liquid pools of different depths in a single pool (each of which can be set up with a separate trading price range), the process of a single trade may span several different depths.

As shown on the far right of the chart above, when prices change, so does the total liquidity in the liquidity pool. Therefore the relationship between the funds in the liquidity pool in the v3 version cannot be represented by a smooth bonding curve as in the v2 version. So how are the trading results calculated?

As we said earlier, V3 behaves like a trade aggregator in that it needs to ensure that the prices of all the liquidity in the pool are consistent before and after the trade. V3 therefore works around the prices of the tokens in the pool.

For a liquidity, when exchanging x token for y token, we need to perform the following calculation.

When the value of k is constant, by definition,

It can be deduced that,

At the same time, a trade may also span different liquidity stages (i.e. it may exceed or enter a certain liquidity), so the contract needs to maintain a price boundary for each user to provide liquidity, and when the price reaches the boundary, the corresponding liquidity size needs to be added to or removed from the total liquidity. The calculation of the trade result is done by means of a segmented calculation.

Price accuracy

This would result in;

  • It is almost difficult to have two liquidity settings with the same price boundary, which can lead to a large amount of contract storage space being consumed to hold this state

  • When performing trade calculations, price changes are sliced into many small range intervals and need to be calculated in segments, which can consume a lot of gas and may cause problems with calculation accuracy if the spread of the range is too small

In this way v3 can provide a relatively fine-grained range of price choices (0.01% difference between each available price), while keeping the complexity of the calculation within limits.

Tick management

Instead of recording all the information for each tick, you only need to record all the mobility metadata contained as the upper/lower tick. Look at the following example.

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